Editorial Index < Chrono Cross Top Ten: Part 1
The following is part 1 of an editorial pertaining to the top 10 favorite characters of the Square classic, Chrono Cross. The list was essentially constructed by voting within the Chrono Shock staff and might not reflect the majority of Chrono Cross’s fans’ opinions. However small the Chrono Shock staff is, it is a microcosm for the Chrono Cross community in general. As such, the following order should be somewhat accurate to the general consensus as to the favorite characters in Chrono Cross. Enjoy the list!
Number 10: Nikki
The half-human, half-mermaid Ziggy Stardust wannabe Nikki is the lead singer of the Magical Dreamers and the first entrant into the Chrono Cross Top 10 list. A gifted musician with an astounding ability to enchant women the worlds over, Nikki is actually a decent combatant. He fights with his guitar, yet oddly enough, in concert the very same guitar has no negative physical effect on his audience. He must be one hell of a talented musician to be able to pull that off…makes Jimi Hendrix look like a chump. Another key aspect that attracts people to Nikki is his personal story, one that involves a lost mother’s love, an aloof father, and the luxuries and burdens of fame. Although for being so famous, while in the party, sometimes even his biggest fans pay no attention to him…odd world(s) these characters live in. However, Nikki proves to be a worthy addition to this list because he definitely has his endearing quirks, which some fans really like.
Number 9: Lynx
That indistinguishable Thundercats reject known as Lynx is Chrono Cross’s villain. Hoisting around a huge scythe that would make the Grim Reaper crack a smile, Lynx is as cunning as a…well, a cat. This isn’t the good type of cunning like Daredevil from Marvel Comics, but the bad type of cunning in which one manipulates and abuses others, like Doctor Doom. Lynx is cold to the core, tossing people aside to achieve his evil goals. A lot of people root for the villain, and Lynx does quite the admirable job as the antagonist in Chrono Cross, thus producing such a fan base for him. Lynx also looks rather menacing with yellow eyes that peer through time and space to accomplish his evil tasks, the same eyes that engage his victims into a weakening state such that they have to follow him. Let’s face facts, Lynx is one badass mofo, and that is why he makes the list.
Number 8: Poshul
The 2-tailed lisping pink ball of fluff that flops her (yes, HER) way through parallel dimensions and at times discussing the most intricate aspects of quantum and astrophysics is none other than Poshul. Everything about Poshul is basically comical. The very reason she joins Serge on his dimension-jumping expedition is basically because he fed her a Heckran bone. As intricate and deep as Chrono Cross becomes, that is, by far, one of the stupidest reasons a protagonist has recruited a character in any game, profound or not. However, as goofy and irrelevant as Poshul seems, she is actually fairly decent in battle, for an overweight walking/hopping puffball with various speech impediments. As for story, Poshul really has none whatsoever, but regardless, Poshul definitely has appeal. Poshul’s fan base is devout to her, because of her inherent humorous being. Her characteristics are really bull’s eye or miss with Chrono Cross players, because either she’s a) downright hysterical or b) incomprehensibly annoying. There is either love or no love lost for the bitch. Can’t please everybody though, but Poshul has an affable charm that some love, or an irritating nature others despise.
Number 7: Harle
When one first sees Harle, one can’t help but think of an evil mime (aren’t they all?). Sadly, this isn’t that bad of an assumption, except that Harle has a tendency to ramble on in an odd Frenchlish dialect where random French words appear in English sentences. The only other entrant in this list who has a funny way of speaking, Harle is actually quite loquacious. Confusingly loquacious at times, but what Harle usually says has meaning. Even though she looks and talks like a Parisian reject, Harle has quite a huge role to play in the story. Although heavily linked with the 9th character (the villain Lynx) on this list, Harle does have her ties to Serge out of sheer emotion. What about this wannabe mime gives her such appeal? Mostly her cuteness wins over the boys (and some girls) and her kind-hearted nature towards Serge and his quest pretty much attracts both genders alike.

The half-human, half-mermaid Ziggy Stardust wannabe Nikki is the lead singer of the Magical Dreamers and the first entrant into the Chrono Cross Top 10 list. A gifted musician with an astounding ability to enchant women the worlds over, Nikki is actually a decent combatant. He fights with his guitar, yet oddly enough, in concert the very same guitar has no negative physical effect on his audience. He must be one hell of a talented musician to be able to pull that off…makes Jimi Hendrix look like a chump. Another key aspect that attracts people to Nikki is his personal story, one that involves a lost mother’s love, an aloof father, and the luxuries and burdens of fame. Although for being so famous, while in the party, sometimes even his biggest fans pay no attention to him…odd world(s) these characters live in. However, Nikki proves to be a worthy addition to this list because he definitely has his endearing quirks, which some fans really like.

That indistinguishable Thundercats reject known as Lynx is Chrono Cross’s villain. Hoisting around a huge scythe that would make the Grim Reaper crack a smile, Lynx is as cunning as a…well, a cat. This isn’t the good type of cunning like Daredevil from Marvel Comics, but the bad type of cunning in which one manipulates and abuses others, like Doctor Doom. Lynx is cold to the core, tossing people aside to achieve his evil goals. A lot of people root for the villain, and Lynx does quite the admirable job as the antagonist in Chrono Cross, thus producing such a fan base for him. Lynx also looks rather menacing with yellow eyes that peer through time and space to accomplish his evil tasks, the same eyes that engage his victims into a weakening state such that they have to follow him. Let’s face facts, Lynx is one badass mofo, and that is why he makes the list.

The 2-tailed lisping pink ball of fluff that flops her (yes, HER) way through parallel dimensions and at times discussing the most intricate aspects of quantum and astrophysics is none other than Poshul. Everything about Poshul is basically comical. The very reason she joins Serge on his dimension-jumping expedition is basically because he fed her a Heckran bone. As intricate and deep as Chrono Cross becomes, that is, by far, one of the stupidest reasons a protagonist has recruited a character in any game, profound or not. However, as goofy and irrelevant as Poshul seems, she is actually fairly decent in battle, for an overweight walking/hopping puffball with various speech impediments. As for story, Poshul really has none whatsoever, but regardless, Poshul definitely has appeal. Poshul’s fan base is devout to her, because of her inherent humorous being. Her characteristics are really bull’s eye or miss with Chrono Cross players, because either she’s a) downright hysterical or b) incomprehensibly annoying. There is either love or no love lost for the bitch. Can’t please everybody though, but Poshul has an affable charm that some love, or an irritating nature others despise.

When one first sees Harle, one can’t help but think of an evil mime (aren’t they all?). Sadly, this isn’t that bad of an assumption, except that Harle has a tendency to ramble on in an odd Frenchlish dialect where random French words appear in English sentences. The only other entrant in this list who has a funny way of speaking, Harle is actually quite loquacious. Confusingly loquacious at times, but what Harle usually says has meaning. Even though she looks and talks like a Parisian reject, Harle has quite a huge role to play in the story. Although heavily linked with the 9th character (the villain Lynx) on this list, Harle does have her ties to Serge out of sheer emotion. What about this wannabe mime gives her such appeal? Mostly her cuteness wins over the boys (and some girls) and her kind-hearted nature towards Serge and his quest pretty much attracts both genders alike.